Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

If Conditional

Pengertian Conditional Sentence

Conditional sentence adalahcomplex sentence (kalimat majemuk) yang dibentuk dari subordinate clause yang diawali dengansubordinate conjunction if berupacondition (syarat) dan main clause berupa result/consequence (hasil).

Ada 4 tipe conditional sentence yang biasa digunakan, yaitu: tipe 1tipe 2tipe 3, dan tipe 0Condition pada conditional sentence tipe 1 mungkin dipenuhi, tipe 2 tidak atau hampir tidak mungkin dipenuhi, tipe 3 tidak mungkin dipenuhi (unreal), sedangkan tipe 0 selalu terwujud karena merupakan scientific fact/kebenaran ilmiah.

Rumus Conditional Sentence

Rumus Umum

conditional sentenceSecara umum, rumus kalimat pengandaian ini adalah sebagai berikut.

if + condition, result/consequence

atau tanpa tanda baca koma:

result/consequence + if + condition

Rumus Conditional Sentence berbagai tipe

TypeRumus Conditional Sentence
0if + simple present, simple present
1if + simple present, will + bare infinitive
2if + simple past, would/could/might + bare infinitive
3if + past perfect, would/should/could/might have + past participle

Contoh Conditional Sentence

Berikut contoh conditional sentence pada berbagai tipe sesuai dengan rumus di atas.

TypeContoh Conditional Sentence
0If we burn paper, it becomes ash.
(Jika kita membakar kertas, itu menjadi abu.)
1If I meet himI will introduce myself.
(Jika saya bertemu dia, saya akan memperkenalkan diri.)
2If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day.
(Jika besok hujan, saya akan tidur sepanjang hari.)
3If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
(Jika kamu ingat mengundang saya, saya akan hadir di pestamu.)

Negatif if + condition

Rumus: if…not dapat digantikan dengan unless.

Contoh conditional sentence: if…not dan unless:

Dengan menggunakan rumus negatif if, contoh conditional sentence seperti di bawah ini.

  • If the students do not understand, they will raise their hand to ask.
  • Unless the students understand, they will raise their hand to ask.
Source : http://www.wordsmile.com/pengertian-rumus-dan-contoh-kalimat-if-conditional-sentence-type-0-1-2-3

    Senin, 02 Juni 2014


    On 3 April 2014, My school have a event that called "Tur Budaya" or we said "TURBUD". It's a culture trip with school. My friends and my school went to Bali and I'm very happy because it was the first time that I went there with my friends so far away. The journey to Bali it such a long trip.

    We went to Bali by Train. We arrived at Station in Surabaya at the morning. After arrived at Station, We continued our trip with bus. We crossed to The sea by ferry ships. After that, we continued our trip to Nirmala Hotel Denpasar with bus. At night we arrived. It was exhausted journey that I've ever been. But it so happy with my friends

    On the first day, we went to Tanjung Benoa Water Sports. We can play so many water sports at that place . I had pictures there with my best friends.

    After finish play watersports, Went to GWK. It is statue complex that called Garuda Wisnu Kencana if all the statues is done, it will be the highest statue in the world, so we can see them from the Airport, Kuta, and Denpasar City . I see the statue and take picture with my friends. Then we play a game. The task is to finding all clues and guessing what is that. Our class won and we got prize money. After that, we headed to Jimbaran Bay for having a dinner. The dinner was amazing because we can see planes land and take-offs. There also some performance from our friends.

    In The second day, we went to Penglipuran Cultural Village. There we can see the ancient and traditional Bali Village. After that, we went to Kintamani. There we only having a lunch, but the journey there is amazing. After finishing, we went to Sukawati. Then, I headed back to the hotel for the night event called 'Makrab'. We had some performance from our friends. and I'm so excited.

    The last day, we went to Pandawa Beach. In the way there, we hat an accident. Our bus is crashed with a motorbike. So, we join with the other bus to get there. Pandawa Beach is a new beach that previously blocked by hills. There we play "tarik tambang" game. Again, we win and get prize money.

    After that, we headed to Krisna. Some of my friends including me want to go to Kuta Beach. We must ride a elf car to there because bus wasn't permitted to go there. There we having some beachwalk. After that, we directly going to Airport. I arrived at home at night. It was such a amazing journey. i will never forget about it.